Favorite Things {May 2019}
Please be sure to let me know if you have a specific question you'd like me to address in one of the upcoming Favorite Things posts!...
Homeschooling: My Why | Part 2
I've started a series of posts on the blog that cover "My Homeschooling Why". You can read Part 1 here. Welcome to Part 2! Reason #2...
Eve of the Moon | Chapters One + Two
I was challenged last week to do more on promoting my books. It would be easy for me to write a book, mention it in passing to a few...
Homeschooling: My Why | Part 1
When people find out that we home-school our children, they give me one of two reactions. The first is the most common, "That's awesome!...
Apologizing to our Kids
I'm just gonna say it. My kids are awesome. We put a lot of time and effort into raising them. A lot. And it often shows. People stop us...
Our "Morning Basket" without the basket. (Or the morning)
If you are even slightly familiar with the world of homeschooling, you have probably heard about something called "the morning basket."...
Favorite Things {March 2019}
At least once a week I have a handful of people ask for recommendations for one thing or another. Whether it's home school curriculum,...
Counting my blessings in the midst of a miscarriage.
Last weekend was definitely a scary experience. I miscarried our baby at 13.5 weeks. I had been told a week and a half before that there...
Be careful, Little Eyes, what you see. Or more specifically: Parents, be on guard.
I was coming home from grocery shopping recently and heard one of the DJs on a CHRISTIAN radio station talking about a new kid’s movie....
There are days when I feel like I have it all together. Laundry, dishes, diapers, potty training, homeschooling, cooking...it all just...