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There are days when I feel like I have it all together. Laundry, dishes, diapers, potty training, homeschooling, all just runs like clockwork.

Then, there are the other 362 days in the year. #truestory

Before having kids, I knew exactly how to raise kids. Before owning a home, I knew just how to manage it. Before cooking for a small army, I had meal plans and recipes lined out for a month in advance. But, when I'm actually in the trenches, my plans never actually work out. I'm often hanging by the skin of my teeth. But, that's ok.

A few years ago, my husband took me to a concert in town. The Rock N Worship Roadshow...or some title like that. Danny Gokey, The Newsboys and other amazing artists set the stage for an amazing night or rock and worship, as the title suggests. I was honestly surprised by how much actual worship was taking place that night. People filled the area with hands lifted and voices ringing out to God. It was both surprising and refreshing.

Then Mandisa graced the stage. She was the reason I had gone that night. She has been one of my favorite artists for years and I was thrilled when I found out she would be in town! I was prepared to sing along with her incredible voice and clap the night away. I was not prepared for her powerful testimony. If you haven't heard it, find it on YouTube. I like to blame my tears that night on the fact that I was pregnant...but let's be real. Mandisa made me cry.

Her song 'Overcomer' is my go-to when I'm having a rough day. It's one of my favorite workout tunes, it's a song I sing to the kids when they say something is too hard, and it's one I've claimed as a soundtrack for my life.

This song does two things when I hear it.

1. It reminds me that I can do this life with God's help. Even the hard things are not as hard as I think they are.

2. It reminds me of just how many blessings I have. When I feel like it's all going down hill, I can praise God for the health of my family, the roof over our heads, the food in my fridge and the blue mini van in my driveway that successfully hauls my Mini Marshalls around town in spite of the chipping paint on the hood.

So, the purpose of today's post is to encourage all of you to be Overcomers. Keep your heads up. Don't let the little things (or the big things) get you town today.

That's all =)

Homeschool Tips


Create a routine rather than a schedule. Don't stress about when things happen.



Plan your day around YOU. Don't try to do things like other moms, or the way a public school would. Work this into your life, not the other way around.



Have FUN! You can learn a lot from being outside, cooking with your kids, or making a messy art project. Books are amazing, but they can be boring for young kids sometimes. Try to liven things up as much as possible. 

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