Saying "Goodbye" and 3 Ingredient Cookies.
On February 22, 2017, My Papa Vann went to be with Jesus. On February 14th, 2018, my Grandma Vann joined him in Heaven. When I told the kids that Grandma had passed, my daughter Rachel solemnly said "I'm glad she won't be sick anymore." Then, my five-year-old son Jeremiah smiled and said "Now she gets to be with Papa for Valentine's Day."

We went to Tennessee last weekend for Grandma's funeral. I called my sister ahead of time and had her buy the ingredients for the cookies Grandma Vann used to make for us when we were at her house as kids.
All three ingredients. =)
We made the cookies at my mom's house before heading back to Kentucky. My kids have heard me talk about these cookies for years. How Grandma would make them almost every time we were visiting, and how excited the six of us were when Grandma would call us into the kitchen to "top them" with Hershey's Kisses.

I was explaining to my niece, Georgie, why we were making these particular cookies and asked Rachel if she knew the reason. She did. "We're doing it to honor Grandma Vann, because she used to make these when you were a kid." Bingo.
Rachel had asked me about these cookies a few days before the funeral. After telling her the story once again, she replied "I bet Grandma Vann is waiting in heaven for us to join her so she can make those for all of her great-grand kids too.

I've decided to start a new tradition in the Marshall house. I plan to make these cookies for my Minis every year on Valentine's Day in honor of Grandma Vann. They are simple and amazing, just like she was =) Feel free to join me in our new tradition =) Recipe below.

3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Cookies
1 Cup White Sugar
1 Cup Creamy Peanut Butter
1 Large Egg
(Seriously, that's it.)
Mix together, roll into 1 inch balls and drop on cookie sheet. Cris-Cross with sugar and fork, then bake at 350 for 8-10 minutes. Top with Hershey's Kisses (technically a 4th ingredient...but this is optional) and let melt down while cookies cool. Enjoy with your kids while telling them stories of your own grandparents or special people in your life.