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A little Mom rant...

I was “tagged” on Facebook for the hundredth time. Seems like every week someone is posting it again.

“I’m not just a stay at home mom. I’m a nurse, a chef, a janitor, and chauffeur…” blah, blah, blah…

Or the other one; the one directed to the husbands…

“Thank your wives today. Think of everything they do…cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, keeping the kids alive…now think of how much money it would cost you if you had to pay a chef, a nurse, a chauffeur, a personal shopper…”

You get the point. Your stay at home wife is saving you a ton of money by working nonstop and doing every job under the sun.

I get why people keep tagging me or posting it to my Facebook wall. They are trying to let me know that my work is not going unnoticed. They are trying to get the world to appreciate stay at home mothers. I get it. And I appreciate their thoughts. But, honestly, it’s getting old.

Yes, I cook, I clean, I buy groceries, I teach the 5 year old, potty train the 2 year old and nurse the 11 week old every day. But right now, I’m sitting on my couch, drinking my coffee and writing this post while my crock pot cooks the chicken for dinner, my dish washer washes the dishes, my clothes washer is washing the clothes and all three of my kiddos are taking naps.

Back in “the old days” laundry day meant hauling all of your clothes to the creek, scrubbing by hand, wringing it all out, hanging them on the line and waiting for them to dry while you hand wash the rest of the clothes. Then you take them down, fold them, carry them back to the house and start again the following week. It was literally a laundry DAY.

If you wanted chicken for dinner, you had to catch it, kill it, pluck it, skin it, trim it, and THEN cook it.

Every dish had to be washed by hand.

Babies were diapered with cloth and pins.

Clothes were handmade.

Stay at home moms today have it so easy. Yeah, I said it.

No, we don’t get to “clock out”. We don’t get sick days, or extra pay for overtime. But why are we all so caught up in proving to everyone that we are “tougher” than working moms? Or that we should be considered “working moms” ourselves?

I don’t care if society looks down on me for staying at home with my kids. I don’t feel the need to shove every single daily task I do in someone’s face so they will appreciate me or praise me.

My kids thank me every day for reading to them, feeding them, and tucking them in at night.

My husband thanks me for cleaning the house, and for making the meals and (the one that actually made me tear up) for giving him three amazing children.

So, forgive me if I refuse to re-post your Moms-Are-Awesome status. Forgive me for un-tagging myself to get it off of my page. I appreciate the thought, I really do, but I don’t need society’s approval.

I have all the approval I need at home.

Rant over.


Homeschool Tips


Create a routine rather than a schedule. Don't stress about when things happen.



Plan your day around YOU. Don't try to do things like other moms, or the way a public school would. Work this into your life, not the other way around.



Have FUN! You can learn a lot from being outside, cooking with your kids, or making a messy art project. Books are amazing, but they can be boring for young kids sometimes. Try to liven things up as much as possible. 

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